luni, 27 februarie 2017


Daca dragoste este dorinta de a da ceea ce este al tau altuia si de a simti fericirea acestuia ca si cum ar fi a ta, atunci cu siguranta ca te iubesc. As vrea ca acest martisor sa devina un simbol al renasterii sperantei in sufletele noastre si a bucuriei de a trai aceste clipe fericite de martie.

luni, 6 februarie 2017


Facebook Messenger (sometimes abbreviated as Messenger) is a free instant messaging service and software application which provides text and voice communication. Integrated with Facebook's web-based Chat feature and built on the open MQTT protocol,Messenger lets Facebook users chat with friends both on mobile and on the main website.
Facebook has reported that Facebook Messenger has reached 1 billion monthly active users.David A. Marcus heads Facebook Messenger and had joined Facebook on invitation of Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook.
Image result for messenger wikiHistory of Messenger
Facebook launched the iOS and Android versions of Facebook Messenger on August 9, 2011,[10] with an October 11 update making the app available for BlackBerry OS. Facebook launched the Tizen version of Facebook Messenger on July 13, 2015.
In April 2014, Facebook announced that the messaging feature will be removed from the main Facebook app and users will be forced to download Messenger.
On April 27, 2015, Facebook introduced video calling in the Facebook Messenger app. The functionality was first launched in Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Denmark, France, Greece, Ireland, Laos, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, and Uruguay.
At the Facebook F8 conference on March 25, 2015, Facebook announced that the Messenger platform is taking first steps to bring businesses on Messenger with the goal of enhancing how people and businesses communicate. Users will be able to sign up to connect with businesses in Messenger, receiving personalized updates. Businesses can use custom layouts designed for order confirmation, shipping updates and more.The service is already available with selected US businesses. With the new update, users can also use Facebook Messenger without a Facebook account and by just signing up using their mobile phone number.
As part of this business feature, Facebook launched Transportation on Messenger in cooperation with Uber. As of January 2016, this service is still in testing and will be available to selected users in the locations where Uber operates in the United States.
In April 2016, Facebook Messenger launched "Group Calling", allowing users to add up to 50 participants simultaneously over the internet. This feature will be available on Android and iOS devices for free and users can start a group VoIP audio call from any group chat. To start a group call, a user needs to just tap the 'phone' icon, select which of the group chat members they want to include or call. All the selected members will receive a Messenger call simultaneously.
On June 16, 2016, Facebook announced at the WIRED Business Conference that Home button will be added to help users keep track of conversations, as an anchor for sending and receiving messages.
Image result for messenger liteOn October 3, 2016, Facebook launched Facebook Messenger Lite, a stripped-down version of Messenger with a reduced feature set. The app is aimed primarily at old Android phones and regions where high-speed Internet is not widely available. Facebook Messenger Lite is available in Kenya, Tunisia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Venezuela, and is set to come to other countries later.
Facebook Messenger introduced group voice calls app back in April 2016, and announced in December 2016 that it’s working out the kinks to bring this to home and office, as an alternative to traditional conference calls.
Facebook Messenger does not have a log out option and instead has other options such as Appear as inactive, Switch accounts or Turn off notifications.

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marți, 31 ianuarie 2017

Caracteristica generala a virusilor de calculator

Ce sunt virusii / Ce este un virus de calculator?

General vorbind, un virus este un program care se auto-copiaza si infecteaza un calculator fara permisiunea utilizatorului. De multe ori aceste programe produc pagube pe calculatorul gazda prin stergerea de fisiere, defectarea programelor legitime sau chiar reformatarea hard-diskului. Alteori pot ocupa resursele calculatorului incetinind functionarea celorlaltor programe, sau pot afisa diverse mesaje sau imagini.
Clasificarea virusilor
            Virusii pot fi clasificati dupa diferite criterii: modul de actiune, tipul de amenintare, grade de distrugere, tipul de instalare, modul de declansare etc. Exista unele clasificari mai vechi care, desigur, nu mai corespund astazi. Totusi, o enumerare a acestora este benefica, deoarece ea reflecta diversitatea caracteristicilor si tipurilor de virusi.
            Iata o astfel de clasificare, oferind pentru cateva variante mai interesante si unele detalii:
            Bomba (Bomb) - este un mecanism, nu neaparat de tip viral, care poate provoca in mod intentionat distrugerea datelor. Este de fapt ceea ce face faima virusilor. Pentru utilizator efectele pot varia de la unele amuzante, distractive, pana la adevarate catastrofe, cum ar fi stergerea tuturor fisierelor de pe hard disk.
            Calul troian (Trojan horse) - reprezinta programul care, aparent este folositor, dar are scopul de distrugere. Este un program virus a carui executie produce efecte secundare nedorite, in general neanticipate de catre utilizator. Printre altele, acest tip de virus poate da pentru sistem o aparenta de functionare normala.
Calul troian este un program pe calculator care apare pentru a executa functii valide, dar contine ascunse in codul sau instructiuni ce pot provoca daune sistemelor pe care se instaleaza si ruleaza, deseori foarte severe.

Cum virusii iti pot patrunde in calculator

Ce se intampla in momentul cind un virus contamineaza calculatorul?
Virusii se pot clasifica in functie de efectele lor si de modul in care procedeaza. Virusii sectorului de sistem au dat amploare unui nou tip de virusi numiti "stealth viruses", adica virusi care se ascund. Chiar daca calculatorul respectiv are un antivirus destul de bun, in momentul cind acesta porneste, virusul are posibilitatea de a se ascunde. Deci in momentul cind un virus contamineaza calculatorul, noi, utilizatori numai deninem controlul lui, acesta fiind preluat de acesti "stealth viruses" care sunt incarcati automat in memorie la pornirea calculatorului.

Programe antivirus
Software-urile antivirus (uneori scris ca Anti-Virus sau anti-virus) sunt programe de computer care incearca sa identifice,neutralizeze sau sa elimine software-ul rau. Termenul “antivirus” este folosit pentru ca cele mai recente exemple construite exclusiv pentru a lupta impotriva virusilor de computer; totusi  marea majoritate a software-ului antivirus modern este facut pentru a combate gama larga de amenintari, incluzand viermi,atacuri phishing,rootkits, si Troieni, adesea sunt colectiv descrisi ca malware.
   Scannere virus
 Software-ul de scanare antivirus, sau un scanner de virusi, este un program care examineaza toate fisierele din locatii specificate, continuturile de memorie, sistemul de operare, registrii, comportamentul imprevizibil al programelor si oriunde este relevant cu intentia de a identifica si inlatura orice malware.

Apasati aici ca sa downloadati un bun antivirus!

Sper ca informatia a fost folositoare! Nu uitati sa comentati!
Pace ✌✌✌

marți, 24 ianuarie 2017

Jocul meu preferat

Salut! Aceasta este a doua postare a mea!
In aceasta postare o sa va spun niste informatie despre jocul meu preferat! (sper ca nu este problema daca informatia este pe engleza)

My favorite game is is a massively multiplayer action game created by Matheus Valadares. Players control a cell in a map representing a petri dish; the goal is to gain as much mass as possible by swallowing smaller cells without being swallowed by bigger ones. The name comes from the substance agar, used to culture bacteria. Another reason of the name is because 'agar' in Malay is jelly, which also has a similar meaning to cell as many think of it as jelly. 
The game was released to positive critical reception; critics particularly praised its simplicity, competition, and mechanics, while criticism targeted its repetitive gameplay. Largely due to word of mouth on social networks, it was a quick success, becoming one of the most popular web and mobile games in its first year. A downloadable Steam version was announced on 3 May 2015, and the mobile version of for iOS and Android was released on 24 July 2015 by Miniclip.

Community attracted a large viewer base, with that developers started to emerge with their own modifications to the game, these ranged from to eventually Miniclip stepped in and made implemented making the client hard to edit, removing all mods.

Link catre joc:

Aceasta este tot! Sper ca informatia este utila. Si daca va place aceasta postare, va rog frumos sa lasa-ti un comentariu!
Pace! ✌

luni, 16 ianuarie 2017

Salut! Aceasta este prima mea postare!

Salut! Bun venit pe blogul meu :) 
Si asta prima mea postare. Sunt elev din clasa 6-a.
Uite un link la ceva ce trebuia sa fac la engleza si am facut:

Poftim si o imagine de bison nord american sa va inveseleasca si sa va ridice dispozitia :)
Image result for the north american bison
Pe data viitoare!
Pace ~ ✌